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Are you interested in writing an article for us?

Become a Guest Blogger - Submit an article to Chatbacksecurity.com

We are looking for guest bloggers to add more quality content for our readers. You may have something to say but don’t necessarily have a suitable outlet to use or maybe you just simply want to target a broader audience across the security sector.

We will consider most topics but we are particualry interested in Physical Security, IT Security, Personnel Security, Protective Security or any other topical security subject.

There is no reward for the publication of your article, apart from knowing that you have contributed to the security sector something useful, meaningful and helpful to others. We can also link back to your own blog or website if that helps you! 

The ground rules:

1. We don’t accept the solicitation of products unless authorised by the owners of Chatbacksecurity.com

2. No more than 1,250 words

3. Please check our previous posts to avoid duplication

4. Please check all submissions for spelling mistakes and typo’s because ours is diabolical so you can’t rely on us to correct it!

5. Please include your real name and contact email so we can make contact with you

6. Here is a general format outline on how your article will appear:

• Blog Title
• Guest Blog by: (Your real name)
• Your Twitter name (if relevant)
• Your website or blog (if relevant)
• Your blog piece (remember a maximum of 1250 words please)
• We will add a disclaimer to all submitted articles that the views/opinion are the authors and not of Chatback Security’s owner

7. All feedback/comments on your article will forwarded to you

8. You agree that the article will be publicised via tweeter, our Facebook page, Linkedin and
any other means we deem suitable

9. Submit your article to chatbacksecurity@gmail.com – We will reply to all submissions

10. Our decision is final

Phewww that’s the small print out of the way but please do consider taking part as we do receive a very loyal following from all over the world and across numerous security specialism’s so it would be a great way for you to be heard.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Paul and Richard www.chatbacksecurity.com

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